Heritage Week: Knights of Saint Patrick (Evening Lecture)

  • Heritage Week
  • Mon 14 Aug
  • 18:30
  • FREE

Embark on a captivating journey through time as we invite you to join us for an illustrated talk by renowned Cathedral Historian and Chairman of the Friends, Albert Fenton. Step into the rich tapestry of history as he recounts the intriguing and chequered past of the Order of Saint Patrick, on the momentous occasion of their 240th anniversary.

Through vivid storytelling and captivating visuals, Albert Fenton will bring to life the remarkable history of the Order of Saint Patrick. Discover the origins of this esteemed order, the influential figures involved, and the pivotal role it played in shaping Ireland’s cultural and political landscape.

As you immerse yourself in the stories and anecdotes, you will gain a deeper understanding of the triumphs, challenges, and controversies that marked the journey of the Order of Saint Patrick. From its founding to its evolution over the years, this talk will provide a fascinating glimpse into a significant chapter of Irish history.