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Wishing our Dean, the Very Revd Dr William Morton, the very best ahead of his US visit!

October 28, 2022  Posted in: News

Our magnificent Dean and his wife Rosemary will travel to New York City this weekend. During their time there they will look to strengthen ties with the American episcopal church and the Irish American diaspora generally. On Sunday, the Dean will begin what will be a very busy round of engagements with a visit to Saint Thomas Church 5th Avenue where he has been asked to preach. You can watch his service streamed here at 11.00 (EST):



Americans have taken Saint Patrick’s Cathedral into their hearts, as evidenced by the huge numbers of visitors who come to the Cathedral from the United States and by the many generous donations to the roof appeal received in the recent past. We hope to inform our American friends and supporters of our exciting development plans and to extend an open invitation to them to come and see for themselves all that we have achieved with their help over the years! Wishing the Dean and Rosemary safe travels. We know they’ll both be missed dearly by Duke, captured here with the Dean in the Deanery garden!

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