Month: December 2020

Death of Very Revd Victor Stacey xxx

All at Saint Patrick’s are sad to hear of the death yesterday (30 December 2020) of the Very Revd Victor Stacey. Victor was Dean of Saint Patrick’s from April 2012 until his retirement in March 2016, and he is fondly remembered for his pastoral care, kindness, great humour and his warmth of welcome to visitors… Read more »

Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage support essential roofing works at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. xxx

We are delighted to announce that a total of €1 million has been allocated to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral to ensure completion of repair of the main roof. The funding was announced today by Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien, TD and Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, TD…. Read more »