Month: June 2020

Audio Guide xxx

English Audio Guide Content Use the numbers on the panels around the building. Track 10 The Crossing   Andrew Smith · 010 The Crossing Track 15 Monuments to Presidents Andrew Smith · 015 Presidents

The First Slate is On! xxx

Last week the Dean of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, The Very Revd Dr William Morton, was on hand to lay the first new slate on the nave roof, a major milestone in the completion of the largest restoration project to the Cathedral in 150 years.   The roof replacement project has been underway since the beginning… Read more »

Initiative to Increase Support for Victims of Domestic Violence xxx

Offer support to victims of Domestic Violence Seven organisations have come together to support people emerging from domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic – Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Safe Ireland, Dublin City Volunteer Centre, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Volunteer Centre, Fingal Volunteer Centre, South Dublin County Volunteer Centre and Wicklow Volunteer Centre. As part of Phase 1… Read more »

Music List for June xxx

For details of prerecorded services during June 2020 click here.