Month: May 2016

New Dean Elected xxx

The Very Revd Dr William Morton was elected Dean and Ordinary of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on 9 May. He succeeds the Very Revd Victor Stacey who retired at the end of March. The Cathedral Chapter elect a new Dean from their own number. Dean Morton was made deacon in 1988 and ordained priest in 1989…. Read more »

A History of Worship on the site xxx

  The Cathedral has witnessed some of the most important developments and changes in Christianity in Ireland. Traditionally Saint Patrick is the man credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. Very little definitive information is known about his life. However, according to legend he used a well somewhere in the general area of the Cathedral to baptise new… Read more »

The Door of Reconciliation xxx

Ever wondered where the Irish phrase “to chance your arm” comes from? In 1492 two Irish families, the Butlers of Ormonde and the FitzGeralds of Kildare, were involved in a bitter feud. This disagreement centred around the position of Lord Deputy. Both families wanted one of their own to hold the position. In 1492 this… Read more »

Stained-glass Windows xxx

With windows dating back almost two centuries the stained-glass windows in the Cathedral are both beautiful and educational. Stained-glass windows can be incredibly beautiful pieces of art, but they would also originally have acted as an educational resource for the Church. At a time when most people were unable to read or write, stained-glass windows… Read more »

The Deans of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral xxx

The Deans of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Pre-Reformation 1219 William FitzGuido 1238 Richard Gardiner 1250 Richard de Saint Martin 1269 John de Saundford 1284 Thomas de Chaddesworth 1312 William Rodyard 1348 Adam de Kingston 1353 William de Bromley 1374 John Colton 1382 Henry Bowett 1392 William Chambre 1396 Thomas de Everdon 1399 John Prene 1439 Nicholas… Read more »

Monuments in the Cathedral xxx

With over 200 monuments dotted around its walls, the Cathedral has many interesting stories to tell. The monuments in the cathedral range from large architectural monuments, commemorative brasses and marble statues, to marble plaques on the walls and stained glass windows. There are many interesting people commemorated in Saint Patrick’s – writers, soldiers, churchmen, lawyers… Read more »

The Boyle Family Monument xxx

  The huge monument at the West end of the Cathedral was erected in 1632 by Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork, for himself, his wife and family. In his diary he records under the date 3rd June 1630 that “I this day perfected my covenants with Edmond Tingham of Chapple Isolde, stone-cutter, for erecting… Read more »

Burials in the Cathedral xxx

.From churchmen to soldiers, lawyers to writers, people have been buried in the Cathedral since the 13th century. Since its foundation in the 13th Century, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral has been a burial ground. Today, it is estimated that there are between 600 and 700 people buried, either in the building itself or in the grounds…. Read more »

Jonathan Swift, Dean 1713 – 1745 xxx

Known to most as the author of “Gulliver’s Travels”, Jonathan Swift was also Dean of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral from 1713 until his death in 1745. He was obviously a gifted writer, but he was also a man who fought hard against social injustice and what he felt were unjust impositions on the Irish people, despite… Read more »